
Mindfulness Can Breed Positivity!

By March 23rd, 2021No Comments


It’s time to get mindful.

Like really, really mindful. I’m talking like put on your big girl pants and don’t be afraid to take a real hard look inside your brain to see what’s going in. Chances are it’s a little bit messy in there because of all those fears, irrational thoughts, and anxieties that are rolling around in there… they are the epitome of messy, and the antidote to all that is get mindful. 

Just like closets, your brain holds so much junk that it’s almost bursting at the seams with all that information and chatter. Endless chatter. I must think the same thoughts over and over and over so many times in a day it should literally drive me over the edge. And some days it does. 

Think about this… what do you focus on each day? Is it your finances, or your lackluster office job? Is it all about food and what you’re going to eat to help get you out of a bad mood? A challenging relationship? Your full to-do list with not one thing checked off? Are you always running around like a chicken without a head, zipping from one place to the next, never having a moment to yourself? Are you annoyed at others for the current state of affairs in your life? 
Slow your roll and take stock.

That’s all you have to do when starting out on a massive cleaning project. Take a look at what you’re working with, and see how it’s affecting/creating your life experiences. I’ve begun to do this because I’m a big, old, fat worry-wort and prone to anxiety, so I decided to try and figure out why I always feel overwhelmed, unfocused and lacking the energy to accomplish the things I want to do.

Ah, the age old question of WHY?! To be honest, I haven’t an answer yet… but, on the flip side, I’m learning SO MUCH about myself. Like, I need to stop feeling like I’m not good enough (because no one has ever said to me, Hey Anne Marie, you really stink at being good enough!) Why am I saying it to myself?! Why do I feel the social pressure to be the perfect mom? Why can’t I take it easy on myself?

Beware though, it’s a bit of a mindf*ck when you start asking yourself questions about why you do and think certain things. You sometimes find there are no valid reasons. (And you’ve been wasting your time. And energy. For nothing!) That’s actually a really cool side effect because it enables you to then free up that space for all the other good stuff, like taking care of yourself!

So this is why I’m asking you to start asking “why?”. Why are you thinking about a certain thing, and how is that directly affecting how you encounter and interact with the people and circumstances around you? Get that notebook out (you know that one that’s so cute you just had to have it! It was going to change the way you did things, it was going to help you to become more organized, thoughtful, and mindful. We all have that cute notebook so dust it off girl, it’s time to start using it!), and jot down a few things that are trolling around in your brain. Start asking why, what supports that thought, and how can you change it to begin to help you feel empowered, instead of downright defeated. 

I bet you will be surprised at some of your answers.

Asking empowering questions are the key to changing and altering your conscious train of thought. Take control, start paying super close attention to where your thoughts take you, and turn them around if it’s getting to be a little too dark in there. Empower yourself, love yourself, be kind, and smile. You are better than good enough and it’s time you started to understand that!

I’d love to hear from you about what you discover! Leave a comment below and let’s get the conversation started. We grow when we share and I would LOVE to grow my tribe with your help!

So answer me this: Ask yourself what do you love MOST about yourself. See what pops up. (i.e. Is it positive thoughts, or is it something more like, “Hmmmm… I don’t know, I never thought of asking myself that, I don’t have an immediate answer”?) 

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